4. Teaching plan

1.1 Curriculum

Curriculum in Junior high school of UST is used K-12, in that curriculum also there is an English subject. that related to my major. my major is English education in Universitas Majalengka. also some material it's like grammar or poetry that I was learn in my college.

1.2 Teaching Plan

It's one of my sub plan that related to my major.

Grade 7 - English Learning Area
S.Y. 2018 – 2019/ First Grading Period
Date: February 07, 2019
Topic: Adverbs
Section: St. Anne

Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to: 
1.  Define adverbs;
         2.  Distinguish the functions of adverbs;
       3Identify the different types of adverbs;
      4. Construct sentences that contain adverbs; and
5. Appreciate the use of adverbs.

10 minutes: The teacher will show a video of a track and field competition. Before the students show it, he will remind the students to write their observations in the said video. Then, students will be asked to come up with sentences that describe the actions done by the athletes featured in the video. The students must be able to construct sentences that contain adverbs.

Lesson Development
40 minutes 

MATERIALS: laptop, LCD projector, whiteboard marker, whiteboard, paper, ballpen, internet, tablet.
TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION: Worksheet, Kahoot. Windows movie player

Brains Time Clock - Learners be indulged in varied instructional activities of not more than 15 minutes of focused attention.
Active Learning - Teachers devise ways or strategies by which learners will be involved in both physical and mental performances. Learning will likewise be effective when students directly perform tasks leading to meaningful experiences.
Emotions - Learners get to experience varied reactions or emotions which lead to retention of the intended content
Develop Thinking Skills  - Problem-solving as a key factor for learning bridges content to its actual application in real-life scenarios. 

·         (S) What is an adverb?
·         (S) What are the different kinds of adverbs?
·         (A) What is an adverb of manner?
·         (S) What is an adverb of time?
·         (S) What is an adverb of frequency?
·         (S) What is an adverb of place
·         (S) What is an adverb of degrees
·         (A) Are adverbs important to students in daily activity?
·         (E) Is adverbs important in our life especially in the field of communication?

The teacher will ask the students about the lesson that was delivered yesterday. Questions will be asked to ensure that the students were able to understand the lesson.
The teacher will be using the Kahoot application to test and to assess if the students can already identify the adverbs in sentences and if they can also distinguish its type. Students will be asked to explain how they arrive with correct answers every after each question.
The teacher will be giving a worksheet that the students need to answer individually. This is to check if the students are already able to have a deeper understanding of the lesson. 

10 minutes

The students will be asked to share their experience with the recently concluded Grade 7 field trip by writing an essay. Their essay must contain at least ten adverbs. 

15 minutes

The students will be asked if using adverbs is important in doing and performing their daily tasks. Also, he will ask the students if adverbs affect the way they communicate with others by asking them to imagine how communication will go if they communicate with one another without adverbs.


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